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Welcome to the site for HWS Harassmap. This is a place to anonymously report incidents of racism, sexism, sexual violence, hate crimes and other crimes on campus. It is inspired by the Harassmap movement started, with great success, by women in the Middle East. 


Harassmap is a tool to empower students. Its goal is to make our campus safer by showing where incidents of racism, sexism, assault and other crimes are happening on campus and where they happen more frequently. 

With Harassmap, our campus administration can no longer downplay or ignore the incidents of oppression, violence and hate that we know take place on campus week in and week out. The goal is sustainable change and the autonomous exercise of student power on campus.


We are a community and we must have each other’s backs. Together we are strong. Together we can stamp out racism, sexism, violence and discrimination of all kinds.


From the Anti-Defamation League:

"Hate is an extreme dislike for something or someone. If that hate is based on an aspect of someone’s identity (e.g. race, religion, gender/gender identity, disability, sexual orientation, etc.) it can result in interpersonal bias, discrimination, hate incidents, hate crimes and/or involvement in an organized hate group."

On Reverse Discrimination :

(No reports based in reverse discrimination will be posted, see articles below for an explanations and examples)


1 - Date, Time , Location of Incident

2 - Description of event


Due to this website being designed by students, there is no budget for a premium subscription to mapping software for this project.  Therefore, we ask you to please bear with us in terms of the incident reporting process:

As many of the mapping websites offering crowdsourcing are either not free or require a login, we have decided to use an anonymous contact form (located at the bottom of this page) where students can write their incident without having the burden of creating accounts, or being unduly traceable. The process will be as follows:

1) Your report, written with the guidelines above (and listed on the contact form) will be sent to the HWS HARASSMAP e-mail.

2) The admins for HWS HARASSMAP will process your incident and update the map accordingly (ALL reports will be added as long as they are not rooted in reverse discrimination, bias, or hate)

3) Your report may take a day or so to be added. We're students and have our own schedules to be mindful of, we promise we will get to them!


1) You can report any incidents that have occurred at any point during your time at HWS. This means past incidents can be added here. We're trying to show the geopolitical structures of oppression here, your past experiences help to build that as much as your current ones. 

2) You can click on the title of the map (HWS HARASSMAP) to see the map in a larger version on the Uebermaps site.  You can also see a satellite view which may make the locations of these incidents more clear.  This can be done by clicking the 3 vertical dots on the bottom left corner of the Uebermaps page, and then clicking "Map View". 

3) Report only incidents you have experienced. Do not speak for others.

4) To read incident descriptions, simply click on the pins.

To add an incident, see the contact form at the bottom of this page


The choice to report is a difficult process which many decide not to do for their own personal safety, their mental health, distrust in institutions, and various other important reasons.  Every survivor has the right to choose whether or not they would like to report.  If you decide you would like to do so, please visit these sites for more information.

Through Title IX:

Through Law Enforcement:

For Support and Information:

A Hate Crime

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